Simple daily things to do to get better and deeper sleep

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Getting better and deeper sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being. Here are some simple habits to add to your daily routine to achieve restful sleep.

Deep sleep plays a vital role in memory consolidation, hormone regulation, immune function and overall well-being.

Se suggested a few things you can inculcate into your daily routine to achieve better sleep and take on each day with renewed energy and vigour

1. Committing to a regular sleep routine: Having a regular sleep routine is key to having restful sleep. Be it setting a fixed time to sleep and wake up or ensuring that the room is set up to optimise your sleep.

2. Having the right sleep accessories: In addition to a calm environment, the quality of your mattress, pillows and comforter will also influence sleep. It is important to find the right bedding and sleep accessories that are customised to your body and needs. When choosing your mattress or pillows, it is important to invest in the right and most innovative materials, select your preferred firmness and even look for the best temperature of your products.

3. Stay away from stimulants: Consuming stimulants like caffeine, nicotine and alcohol, especially in the evenings before sleep can severely impact your sleep. They disrupt the circadian rhythm and make it difficult for the body to fall and stay asleep. Furthermore, avoid large meals before going to bed as it can lead to discomfort and digestive issues,

He recommended, “It is advisable to avoid electronic devices before going to bed because the blue light emitted from the devices can interfere with your sleep. Additionally, always make sure that your bedroom is comfortable by keeping it cool, quiet, and dark to create a conducive environment for sleep.

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