The Uttar Pradesh higher education department has made it mandatory for all the staff of the government degree colleges in state to record their attendance through biometric machines with immediate effect. The practice was earlier introduced in state universities in 2022.
Joint director higher education, KC Verma in a letter to principals of the government degree colleges stated that this system should be introduced with immediate effect and the regional higher education officer should be informed about the action taken. The principals were told that the academic calendar of the college for the session 2023-24 should also be made available to the directorate and regional higher education officer’s office.
There are 172 government degree colleges across the state. In the next phase, biometric attendance is likely to be introduced in 331 aided degree colleges, sources said.
In April 2022, governor Anandiben Patel, who is also the chancellor of the state universities, had said, the biometric attendance will be linked to monthly salary of university teachers and staff. As per the order, the educational institutions are required to make arrangements to install biometric machines where staff may record their attendance through fingerprints.
The arrangements are to be made in such a way that their attendance records are directly uploaded to the central server system of the universities and colleges.
Meanwhile, the students of Allahabad University (AU) would start registering their attendance through a smart biometric system soon. “We are switching to biometric system of attendance in a phased manner. This is being done because the state government, which is providing scholarships to students under different categories, needs details of online attendance and the online attendance will have to be sent to the government department concerned daily,” said AU’s public relations officer (PRO) Prof Jaya Kapoor.