Great Nicobar’s ₹72,000 crore infrastructure project has repeatedly run into rough waters with the local populace and environmentalists.
There appears to be a new twist in the already bewildering saga of the Great Nicobar township and development project. This newspaper reported on Sunday that non-islanders are not being allowed to enter Great Nicobar by the local administration, as per the residents of Campbell Bay, and environmental activists. Local residents say that Campbell Bay is not a tribal area and the entry of outsiders – those who don’t hold an islander card – was permitted till a few months ago. Though the administration has said that travel to Nicobar is permitted and visits to tribal areas are regulated as per the law, the development has fuelled speculation that the apparent restriction is linked to the ₹72,000 crore infrastructure project, called the Holistic Development of Great Nicobar Island, which has repeatedly run into rough weather with the local population and environmentalists.