Settler violence: Israel’s ethnic cleansing plan for the West Bank

The Israeli state is actively encouraging settler violence against the Palestinians as part of its long-standing policy of displacement. On February 8, Israeli settlers attacked Palestinian shepherds who were out grazing their herds in the Sadet a-Tha’leh community, near Hebron in the occupied West Bank. They expelled the Palestinians from the pasture and used drones to…

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‘Lawfare’ on Israel’s war on Gaza reaches Germany. Will the case succeed?

Top German officials, including Chancellor Scholz, are being sued for allegedly ‘aiding genocide’ in a case that raises awareness and loads pressure. Berlin, Germany – Late last week, lawyers in Germany filed charges against some of the country’s most senior politicians, including Chancellor Olaf Scholz, accusing them of “aiding and abetting genocide” in the Gaza Strip. The case…

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