Priyanka Chopra shared photos on Instagram of her ‘date night’ with husband Nick Jonas in Mumbai. They had an impromptu photoshoot with a rickshaw.
After wrapping up two days of events at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC), Priyanka Chopra shared photos of her ‘date night’ with husband Nick Jonas in Mumbai. They had an impromptu photo session on the streets of Mumbai with a rickshaw which she added to her post on Instagram. Priyanka also brought her one-year-old daughter Malti Marie Jonas to India for the first time and Nick is visiting India after several years as well.
She went on to thank those who helped put together her outfit for the event. She stated, “Thank you @stylebyami as always for your amazing collaboration. I knew I wanted to wear an upcycled vintage look with a modern twist! So my outfit was an amalgamation of the east and the west! Like me! Thank you @amitaggarwalofficial for coming through and creating this handcrafted beauty with a story that is so apt for an evening celebrating Indian art and Fashion.”
Priyanka said of her saree, “This beautiful outfit was created using a 65 year old vintage Banarasi patola (Brocade)saree with silver threads and a gold electroplating on khadi silk. It is paired with a sequins sheet holographic bustier to reflect the nine colours of ikat weave that the brocade is set in. Thank you for your genius Amit and your gifted team.”